Diverse Business Directory

Submit a business to our Diverse Business Directory by completing this form (English) / o usa esta forma en línea (Español)
*Submissions will be included in the Diverse Business Directory, new submissions will be updated on the first of each month*

Contact: Shayna Higashi at [email protected] regarding the Diverse Business Directory.

We believe that supporting diverse businesses in Lane County is vital in fostering:

  • Economic development and promoting equity - By providing opportunities and resources to diverse businesses, we bridge the economic inequality gap by offering a better path forward for our communities. In turn, this stimulates job creation, enhances workforce skills, increases local spending power, and contributes to the overall economic vitality of our region.
  • A sense of belonging and representation - When we embrace and uplift businesses owned by individuals from different backgrounds, ethnicities, genders, sexual identities, abilities, and cultures, we unlock a multitude of benefits. We gain fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and unique products and services within our local community. This results in people feeling included and connected, while creating a beautiful and prosperous collective. 

We believe in connecting businesses to identity-based listings/directories to enhance their online visibility & gain business from allies. (However, it is crucial to be aware that this heightened visibility may also make businesses susceptible to being targeted by specific groups). Remember, the choice is yours! You are empowered to decide what best suits your needs.

Did you know that Google allows you to claim and tag your business with various identity-based markers? 
Learn how to claim your business on Google and add identity tags here 

2024 Wildfire Season Evacuation Information -

Click here for information about active evacuations.